An Overview Of My Work As A Wedding Officiant
I am an experienced officiant having conducted hundreds of weddings and would love to have the opportunity to chat with you about your wedding. I am uniquely equipped with the ability to lead you through the entire process so that you fully understand every aspect of your ceremony.
I am easygoing, have a great sense of humor and love doing wedding ceremonies. I offer you many options on how to construct your ceremony so that it fits you well as a couple. I have a MA in Marriage and Family Counseling, a MS in Pastoral Counseling and a Doctor of Ministry degree in Counseling and Administration.
These degrees do not qualify me to help you nearly as much as my passion for marriage and my passion for helping people in the process of planning and living their lives to their fullest. I am a great people person and have the ability to help everyone involved feel at home when preparing for and being involved in a wedding ceremony.
You will want someone who can easily connect with the family and friends who will be there. A wedding ceremony is one of those very special times in the life of a couple and their families that everyone looks forward to. It is a great experience to be involved in such a good time with families and to be able to lead them in an experience that is unique, meaningful and sacred.