Choose An Officiant Who Is Experienced
You want an officiant who is experienced in conducting wedding ceremonies and working with people of all types.
- Experienced With Weddings – The more experience an officiant has had, the more he will bring to the table in helping you to plan your unique wedding. There are a lot of “moving parts” to a wedding ceremony such as the venue, music, members of the wedding party, family situation, time available for the ceremony, etc. An experienced officiant will not be thrown off and stuck finding a solution in a unique or unexpected situation.
- Experienced With People – An experienced officiant will get a quick read on all of the people involved in a wedding. Wedding ceremonies can set up highly emotional situations in some instances. Various family members can have strong opinions regarding different aspects of a wedding ceremony. An experienced officiant will be able to bring calm direction to keep things on track and help the bride and groom receive the wedding ceremony they want.