Waze Saves the Day
Nancy and Mike were married on 10/25/15 in the Foundation Room at the Morton Arboretum. It was a beautiful sunny day. My driving app brought me in on side streets rather than 355 to 88, the way it usually brings me in. When we got to the Arboretum entrance I could see why. Traffic going in the main entrance was backed up to the south all the way to Highway 88. I have never seen that kind of traffic there, but I guess everyone was there to see the fall colors on the trees. I was glad I had gotten there plenty early because it took over 25 minutes to get in the entrance and to the location for the wedding. Debbie came along and we brought our tandem. Our plan was to ride the roads in the Arboretum after the wedding and reception, but the traffic never relented and it would not have been a fun ride. Mike and Nancy are great people and it was very nice getting to know their family. Nancy’s daughters all gave a toast at the reception and I don’t think there was a dry eye in the place when they got done. Mike is a runner and with his brother has run a marathon in every state.