Golf Course Wedding

After 2 weeks of relaxing on vacation I performed the wedding ceremony  for Christina and Dan at Randal Oaks Golf Course in West Dundee. The weather was perfect and the ceremony went well. The bride’s mom was at the rehearsal but got very sick before the wedding and could not attend. Christina was very brave and we are waiting to hear about her mom’s condition.

Koten Chapel

I performed my first wedding ceremony that actually started early tonight in the Koten Chapel at North Central College in Naperville! HoJoon and Amanda are a great couple and their announcement invited people to come 1/2 hour before the ceremony – and even the late comers were there before the 5:30 starting time – so we got going 10 minutes early. Hojoon’s parents traveled from Korea to attend. His mother read several scriptures in Korean and his Uncle read them in English. They had small stones for each person to take upon entering and markers so we could put our initials and any brief message we wanted to write. Each person was asked to hold their stone during the ceremony and they were collected at the end and will be in a container in their home.

Knights of Columbus!

I performed the ceremony for Russ and Linda this evening at the Knights of Columbus hall in Westmont. Fortunately the AC was working well, it was a hot evening. These two have a very close relationship and I enjoyed working with them. The older brother of the bride goes to church less than a mile from our house.

Astoria Banquet Hall

We had a great Wedding Ceremony today as I officiated for Thurston and Felicia. It was great working with both of them and I had another opportunity to meet a number of really nice and interesting people from both of their families. The ceremony was at Astoria Banquet Hall in Buffalo Grove and was an absolutely beautiful setting for the Wedding!

Frog Bar

I performed a wedding ceremony for George and Theresa on Saturday evening at Hugo’s Frog Bar and Fish House in Naperville. What a great place! There is a huge covered outdoor area where the guests gathered for an hour before the wedding and had beverages & food to snack on and then we went in a private room for the ceremony and they had dinner. These guys are a great people and were a wonderful couple to work with!

The Seville

Leonard and Regina were married at the Seville in Streamwood.  This couple really put a lot of time and energy into planning their ceremony.  They are an absolutely wonderful couple and I had a great time getting to know their family members at the rehearsal and the reception.  Debbie joined me and we had seats of honor at the reception right next to the bride and groom.  We had a blast and it was so much fun to see everyone enjoying the celebration!

Beautiful Country Club Setting

I married Joe and Gina on the Golf Course at the Silver lake Country Club in Orland Park.  It was a beautiful setting with a pond and fountain directly behind us.  Gina’s two children gave her away and it was quite cute and emotional.  A light breeze kept blowing the veil over my ceremony book and was quite comical.  These two have a wonderful relationship and were another fun couple to work with.

Wedding in the Park

I just officiated the wedding for Kelly and Miles at 11 AM today on Lords Park in Elgin. Kelly chose the 4th of July because it is her favorite holiday. The weather was perfect, sun shining and a perfect breeze across the pond to our spot below the pavilion. It is a beautiful day for a wedding and these two are a perfect match. Her mom and dad have been married 48 years and her aunt and uncle for 46 years – they both beat Debbie and I, which is now in year 42! This was a fun wedding!

New Friends

I had the privilege tonight of performing the wedding ceremony for Erick and Karen at the Seville in Streamwood. It is so much fun to be involved in such a happy time in the lives of a couple. Both families were great people and I enjoyed making new friends. These two are a very loving couple and very committed to each other. Erick is the same height as my older brother, I told him that if it got squirrely, it was just “Older brother syndrome”. Congratulations to both of them.!!!


I performed the wedding for Robert and Rhea this evening at Morton Arboretum in Lisle in the Fragrance Garden. The setting was beautiful! The temperature was a little warm and the mosquitoes were a little active – I actually knocked a couple of them off of the brides face. The couple met at a dance and at the reception they displayed a couple of their favorite styles of dancing. They were great people to work with! The bride’s father came from Dallas for the wedding and I had a great time talking with him.