Planning Your Wedding Ceremony
A Wedding Ceremony is a once in a lifetime event. On your wedding day you stand before your family and friends and declare a commitment to share the rest of your life with you chosen partner.
For most of us the only thing we now about a wedding ceremony is what we have seen if we have attended a ceremony. Most of us don’t know the parts of a wedding ceremony nor their meaning.
I spend time with every couple that I serve as the Wedding Officiant to explain the various parts of a wedding ceremony, the meaning of the parts and why they are included. I then help couples think through various ways of incorporating the ceremony parts and show them various options that can be used.
Your wedding ceremony is YOUR WEDDING and should fit the truths and values that fit you as a couple. For this very reason I spend time to help you understand each portion of your ceremony and help you to find the style of ceremony that fits you best.
I enjoy this part of the planning because it allows for creativity and it really opens the opportunity for each couple to help design a ceremony that is unique to them.