Why Is Dr. McFadden So Passionate about Wedding Ceremonies
At virtually every wedding ceremony in which Dr. McFadden is the officiant, he invariably will hear from at least half a dozen guests that it was the best wedding ceremony they ever attended. The bride and groom will typically hear the same thing from dozens of people before the day is over.
What makes this so? It is because of the passion and enthusiasm that Dr. McFadden has for marriage. Why is that passion there?
He has worked for 25 years as a Marriage Counselor and has spent dozens of hours weekly with couples whose marriages were in trouble. In this job, he can help inform the couple being married AND the guests about the ingredients that will result in a great marriage.
- He has a great marriage (of 40+ years) with his wife Dr. Debbie McFadden.
He is involved with people at one of the most exciting and fun times of their lives – who wouldn’t be excited about that?
- He really believes that his words and actions make a difference.
He believes that a marriage ceremony is a serious event and should be taken seriously by all involved.
- He believes that a marriage ceremony is a fun event and everyone should be able to enjoy it.
He believes that a marriage ceremony is a celebration, and we should all be able to express our joy.
- He believes that a marriage ceremony is a statement to everyone present about the value of commitment and the choice to love someone.
He believes that a marriage ceremony is one of the most profound and meaningful events in the life of the couple being married, but also for parents who are watching their child become one with another person.
- He knows that weddings cost people a lot of money and believes that they should get what they paid for.
Based on the Biblical book, Genesis, chapter 2, God designed us to be in a relationship; and marriage fulfills that grand design.
- He believes in family and that a stable marriage is the best structure in which to raise children.
He believes that we are all imperfect and that we all are at least a little broken inside. He also believes that in the context of a good marriage; we learn to grow and heal from our brokenness as we learn more deeply how to take care of each other and work on changing ourselves so as to be a better partner to our spouse.